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How To...: - Searching Online

This guide offers all GNTC users How To guides on Citing Sources, Evaluating Sources, and Researching, as well as using GALILEO, LibGuides, and Web Safari.

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Keyword Searching

Searching in Web Safari!

Using the catalog search tool in a LibGuide will open Web Safari in a new window. Please note, the LibGuide search tool only allows for keyword searches.

This image shows the search tool embedded in a LibGuide.

Keyword (Basic) Searches

Keyword searching is the most common kind of searching in a library catalog. This type of search is much like searching in Google or other search engines. Simply type in a subject, a few words from the title, author's last name, or any number of important words that might help the system find your item and press search!

 This image shows the Web Safari homepage with the search box highlighted.

To complete a keyword search, simply type in your keyword. For example, for materials relating to a Criminal Justice course, type "Criminal Justice" for your keywords. After typing in your keywords, Web Safari will automatically offer some suggestions having to do with the entered words.

This image shows the drop down options offered by Web Safari.

The italicized text tells which type of search it would be found under. Either select one of those drop down options, or stick with what was typed in.

Pressing "Go" now will search all of the GNTC libraries for all materials involving the words "criminal" and/or "justice" in the title, description, or cataloging information.

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Narrowed Searches

Narrowed Searches

Searches can be narrowed down the author's last name, the title (or part of the title), the subject, or the series title are known. The search is conducted much the same as the keyword search, but instead of leaving the default as "all", change it to one of the drop down options.

This image shows the options for narrowing searches: All, Authors, Titles, Series titles, and Subjects.

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Advanced Searches

Searching Advanced Categories

In addiction to the basic keyword search, Web Safari offers other options. Only the most common advanced searches are outlined below. To learn more about the other options, ask a librarian.

To choose an advanced search, select the "More Search Options" text and it will give a drop down with more options. Basic search is the simple keyword search; the boolean and call number searches are very useful.

This image shows the additional search options with basic search, boolean search, and call number search highlighted.


Boolean searches help to narrow down your options. Just add "and", "or", and "not".

"And" combines two words so that when searching "Criminal Justice" the system searches for "Criminal" AND "Justice" together.

"Or" tells the system that it's okay to find the word "Criminal" OR the word "Justice"; no need for the two of them to be together in a result.

"Not" tells the system that it doesn't want one of the words to show up at all, so it would search "Criminal" NOT "Justice"; therefore, any books about or titled "criminal justice" would automatically be excluded.

This image shows the boolean search box before a boolean term is chosen.

Call Number

Call number searches help narrow your options by a subject. These can be very useful because the books page on many GNTC LibGuides offer the call numbers for that subject. In the example below, there is a picture of the call number list from an English guide and then the Safari search with the call numbers in the call number search. This can be a quick way to see all of the items that would be together on a shelf in the library.

This image shows some sample call numbers and the call number search box.

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There are two options for limiting searches. These filters can help narrow down your results and ensure that if a GNTC Library has it, it can be located. The first of the limiters is type. To find only a few specific types of materials (reference books, circulating books, only DVDs, etc), limit to the type of material needed. The system defaults to all, and will otherwise find every type of material with the searched terms.

This image shows where the limiters are and how to access the drop down menu for types.

The second limiter is availability. By checking the "Available in Library" box, only results that are currently in at the library (not items that have been checked out by other users) will show up. While this is great if the book is needed immediately, it is possible to miss some good resources that could return to the library in a few days.

This image highlights the availablity limiter.

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Library Selection

Library Selection

The final thing that will help when searching in Web Safari is the library selection option. A student who only visits one campus and need the materials immediately, should select just one campus and remove the check box. This will make sure that the system only looks at the books offered by the campus he or she visits. If the item is not needed that day, consider searching all of the libraries (default), items can be reserved and sent to the closest campus.

This image shows the drop down list for library selection.

This image shows the check box that tells the system to search all campus libraries.

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The results page will look similar to below. It will include what type of search was performed, and which search words were used--if trying multiple searches, it can be good to keep track of what terms have been used to avoid repetition.

It will show how many items are available from all of the selected libraries, and list how many are currently being viewed from that overall amount.

The numbers at the top show how which page is being viewed and allows users to switch between pages.

The options on the right hand side change how many results are being viewed at one time. Sorting changes the order of items so that they can be viewed in order of author, call number, date published, title, or type.

Each item shown in the results will have its call number listed above it, and then a picture of the cover whenever possible, or the type of media (such as CD or DVD), followed by the title and author.

This image shows the results page from Web Safari searches

Hovering over any of the items will give extra information, including availability, number of pages, and part of the summary when available.

This image shows what happens when you hover over an item on the results page.


After choosing an item, clicking on it will lead to a second page. This page will give all the necessary information, including current location and availability, call number, cover image, title and author, sometimes a summary, topics it covers, and it gives the option to reserve the item.

This image shows a catalog entry for Web Safari

And that's how to search the online catalog, Web Safari!

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Web Safari Overview

Subject Guide

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Georgia Northwestern Technical College is a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, and an Equal Opportunity Institution.