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How To...: - Reserving Online

This guide offers all GNTC users How To guides on Citing Sources, Evaluating Sources, and Researching, as well as using GALILEO, LibGuides, and Web Safari.

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Web Safari: How to Reserve Materials

How to Reserve Materials using Web Safari!

If an item is not at your home campus, or it's already checked out, reserve it so that it can be sent to the right campus or held when it is returned! Just make sure to check the library's availability first.

Why bother to reserve items?

Reserving a book can either get the book sent from another campus to the library you use most frequently; this process usually takes a few days. Or, if there's a book another person has checked out, it puts you on the waiting list so that you'll get it as soon as it returns--and before anyone else can check it out. This is useful when you have a book that has been assigned by a professor and all of your classmates want it as well. If you're still not sure you want to reserve the book, add it to your bookbag to keep the record while searching for other items.

This page will cover:


Click the links above, or to the left, to get started!

Checking Availability

Checking Whether an Item is In Stock at your Library

To see if your library has an item, go to the right side of the catalog entry and click the "show more" button. This will display a drop down that shows which libraries have a copy of the item.

This image shows how to check the availability of an item.

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Using the Bookbag

Temporarily Saving Entries using the Bookbag

While searching for materials to check out, use bookbag. This saves (temporarily!) a book or other item to look at later. This could be useful when doing several searches along the same topic, or to see if there are other options available. It's similar to an online shopping cart. It will store the information on the items for about thirty minutes or until you log out or leave Web Safari. Use this to compare items or print off the list of books and take it to the library!

To add a book into the bookbag, there are a few different options. There is an option to the top right of the page when looking at a record for a specific item.

This shows saving to the bookbag on a record.

While still on the results list, hover over a book and add it to the bookbag that way.

This image shows hovering over a result to add to the bookbag.

Adding books to the bookbag will make it look like this. To view it, click the black button in the top right hand corner that says "My Bookbag". This will lead to a page that shows each of the items in your bookbag. To view the items, click on the item.

This image shows the bookbag in use.

Printing the list will give a list with the pictures of the covers and the call number to make it easy to find the books in the library.

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Reserving the Item

Reserving the Item

If a desired book is not available at your campus, hit the reserve/hold button. This will ask you to log in if you haven't already.

This image shows the reserve/hold button.

When the pop up appears, make sure to enter your patron ID (student or faculty number) or full name, and your password.Note: this step is only necessary if you are not already logged in!

This image shows the log in pop up that comes when trying to reserve materials online.

A second pop up will appear after logging in. This one will ask for a specific date the item is needed by. The default is the current date (meaning immediately). Entering a later date may cause a book due for an assignment to arrive too late.

This image shows the

Congratulations! Your book is now reserved!

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Cancelling a Reservation

Cancelling a Reservation

To cancel a reservation, go back to the page for the book and choose "Cancel reservation". Log in is required.

This image shows how to cancel a reservation from the catalog page.

Or, log in and go to "My Account" then to "Account Status". This shows the reservations on the account, and a reservation can be cancelled from there.

This image shows what the Account Status page offers about reserved books and how to cancel through that page.

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Web Safari Overview

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Georgia Northwestern Technical College is a unit of the Technical College System of Georgia, and an Equal Opportunity Institution.